Basketball Betting Software

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Basketball Betting Software

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One of the most exciting sports events each year – for basketball fans and sports betting enthusiasts alike – is the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, known as March Madness.

In 2019, the last year the tournament took place, according to the American Gaming Association, 47 million Americans placed bets on the tournament, totaling approximately $8.5 billion. 2019 was the first year when legal sports betting was possible outside the state of Nevada for U.S. sports bettors. That didn’t mean that people wouldn’t still stream to Las Vegas to put down wagers on the tournament, but seven other states had also legalized the wagering action, and 23 other states have since legalized sports betting ahead of the 2021 edition of the tournament. There are many ways for sportsbook agents to take advantage of these opportunities for their clients.

March Madness and Sports Betting

One of the biggest sources of interest is the ability to fill out brackets that predict the outcome of each matchup for the collection of 68 teams that play for the title. Pools also generate a significant amount of interest. A lot of the wagering action in 2019 went toward those brackets, with over 40 million bettors putting down about $4.6 billion on 149 million brackets. The average betting fan fills out four brackets, averaging about $30 per bracket. Nearly 20 percent of adults in the United States put down a wager on the NCAA basketball tournament in 2019, and about 18 million people also put down bets with a sportsbook (either online, with an in-person bookie, or with a friend), totaling about $3.9 billion in action. So you can see that there is a lot of potential money for you to make if you use a platform that has the right basketball betting software.

If you haven’t considered bringing your sportsbook onto an online platform, then it’s high time that you think about joining a basketball betting software site such as We have helped hundreds of sportsbook agents transform their sportsbooks into the primary revenue stream in their lives, freeing them from the need to work 9-5 jobs. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you should consider bringing your basketball betting sportsbook onto a pay per head platform.

What Does Pay Per Head Even Mean?

Instead of paying a web developer hundreds of thousands of dollars to put together a website for you, and instead of paying for the software that you would need to build your own website, you just pay a platform such as for access to the structure that they have already put together – including robust basketball betting software to help build action in that sport.

Each week, the platform will charge you a fee for each active betting client that you have on your rolls. Some platforms just charge you for every client on your list, which means that you have to keep an eye on the bettors on your list and occasionally purge the ones who aren’t placing any bets. Other platforms, including, only charge you for clients who have placed a bet in the last week. That’s a real bonus because it saves you time tracking the action for each client. The pay per head fee is the same, whether your client placed one bet that week, or if your client placed a dozen bets. So the more action you can drum up, the more revenue you will make per client.

Why is the Best Choice?

There are pay per head services that are cheaper than in terms of the weekly fee that they charge. However, the saying that “you get what you pay for” is just as true in the pay per head sportsbook platform as it is elsewhere. The basketball betting software that you get access to with is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the advantages of using our platform to host your sportsbook.

One advantage is the professional appearance of your sportsbook agent website. There’s really one reason to pay as much as $5 per week for each of your sports betting clients, just to have a prefabricated website that doesn’t look any better than what you could have made for yourself on Wix or Weebly. When you sign up with, you get a customized skin that you can optimize to suit your personal style and what you want your sportsbook to reflect. Remember that the big casinos in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, and elsewhere have sparkling sportsbook websites, and if you are going to draw a significant amount of business, you need a website that looks comparable to the top basketball betting sportsbooks in the industry. While is slightly more expensive per week than the value sportsbook platforms, the appearance alone will make a significant difference in your marketing push.

Another advantage is the greater variety that you can offer your betting clients. The cheapest pay per head sportsbook platforms just offers you access to the major sports leagues, in terms of offering matchups with a point spread and a point total. However, your ability to offer fun side props – not just to build engagement but also to build revenue off the additional wagers – is limited. Also, depending on the value platform, you may have a difficult time adjusting your point spreads in real-time, which can be a real problem if you have unbalanced action on one side of the spread or the other.

With Ace Per Head, you can get in and change those point spreads at any time, and you can also offer in-game betting so that you can add more props that come and go as a particular game goes by. You also have access to more horse racing tracks, more casino games, and other extras that will add up to more revenue in two ways – your betting clients will have more opportunities to wager on your page, and as your book grows in popularity, you will have more people placing wagers each week as well. It’s a win-win when you choose the best sportsbook platform in the industry.

The Definitive Guide to Basketball Betting Software

The world of basketball better is exciting and growing. But to get the most excitement, you have to have the best software. Here’s a guide for what to look for.

Currently, the big buzz among the online gambling scene is the NBA’s agreement with MGM Grand in the sports betting space. However, you too can get in on the action—with the right betting software.

MGM’s historic partnership is the first such arrangement between a gambling enterprise and a professional sports organization. The agreement allows MGM to use MBA logos and highlights.

It also allows MGM to access the NBA’s direct data feed. Like other smart gaming entrepreneurs, however, you can still claim your piece of the March Madness cash cow.

For the definitive guide to basketball betting software, keep reading.

Cashing in on March Madness

Luckily for you, MGM’s exclusive deal ends with the right of the gaming company to market itself as the official partner of the MBA and WNBA brands. What this means is that as a sports bookie, you can continue to cash in on exciting events such as March Madness.

Filling out brackets is one of the biggest draws of clients who love to bet on basketball. During the playoffs, a sports better might try to predict the outcome of each matchup among the teams that will compete.

Fans love March madness because it’s a time of fierce competition. Everything’s at stake. After all, the top basketball teams are competing for the most prestigious title in the game.

This winner-take-all competition draws a lot of interest. In 2019, for instance, players put a lot of action into the tournament.

40 million basketball fans placed wagers on 149 million brackets. In total, they spent $4.6 billion betting on the season. On average, gaming clients filled out about four brackets and bet about $30 per bracket.

Among all adults in the United States, nearly 20% of the population bet on the NCAA tournament in 2019. 18 million of those fans made their bets with an online sportsbook. Resultantly, sportsbooks captured around $3.9 billion of the season’s action.

You can claim your piece of the March Madness pie as a sports bookie. Also, you’re not limited to the NBA.

You can also offer wagering for college basketball. However, you need the right tech to get in on the action.

Getting Into the Game

Most new gaming operators have one goal in common. They want software that will give them a real solution to their challenges. However, they also want to provide the best client experience possible.

Over the last ten years, gaming technology has come a long way. What’s more, it continues to improve in serving the needs of betters. For example, pay per head software such as Ace Per Head is one technology solution that can do it all.

Ace Per Head is the most cost-effective and easiest to use sportsbook on the market. For this reason, Ace Per Head is the leader in the online gaming field. When you subscribe to Ace Per Head to run your gambling operation, you’ll receive much more value than your investment.

More importantly, you’ll keep complete control of your players and profits. Furthermore, the platform enables you to provide a value-added online gaming experience.

Ace Per Head uses the most reliable and flexible betting software available. What’s more, it’s designed specially to meet the needs of North American basketball and gambling fans.

The Right Software for Basketball Betting Success

With Ace Per Head, there’s no need to spend thousands of dollars developing your website. Instead, you can use that money to market your business.

You can access the service for a nominal fee per player. With your subscription, you’ll receive powerful basketball betting software that will help you to build your client list.

Each week, you’ll only pay for the clients who use your site. This pay scheme is much better compared to other services that charge you for every client every week, whether or not they make a bet.


Furthermore, you’ll pay a flat rate per client. For example, a client might place one bet or 100.

Either way, your subscription fee remains the same. With flat-rate pricing, each player offers you more value. The more you compel a player to bet, the more you’ll make.

Ace Per Head isn’t the most expensive service, but it’s also not the cheapest. You could look for a subscription service that charges less.

However, it’s only fair to warn you that cheaper pay per head competitors don’t come near matching the features available with Ace Per Head. What’s more, basketball is just the beginning of what’s available with this cutting-edge gaming platform.

Maintaining Your Edge in B-Ball Betting

When it comes to making the most profit per client, you can use the same tactics as a veteran sports better to make informed decisions. With professional basketball, for instance, you want to pay attention to schedules.

It’s important to track schedules as the season progresses. There’s a logic behind this tactic—most teams don’t perform well when they’re tired.

Schedule tracking is similar to tracking player injuries. As an example, you wouldn’t bet on a horse that’s tired or injured.

In the past, only hard-core gamblers could keep a sharp eye on player schedules. Now, however, technology makes basketball schedules easily available to everyone.

It’s a good idea to make schedule tracking a part of managing your business if you’re going to focus on basketball. You want to look for when a team might go through rough patches. These are the times when you’ll find that a team is tired or fatigued.

However, it’s more to this tactic than knowing when a team might not perform their best. You’ll also need to keep an eye on when the betting line overlooks player fatigue.

When this happens, the betting line will overvalue the team. Betters in the know have a better chance of winning by betting against the team when this happens.

However, here is where you can turn a substantial profit. You can offer promotions that will compel your players to bet in your favor.

Developing a Winning Strategy

When launching your gambling enterprise, the most important thing that you can do is to learn the entire industry. For example, you want to learn about recent trends in sports betting.

You need to understand the landscape of the space. You also want to know what draws better interest. For example, if you’re focusing on basketball, March Madness is your most profitable time of year.

Sports is a complex industry. As such, you’ll need to perform detailed research. This research will serve as a major factor guiding the scope of your gambling enterprise.

In general, there is an increased demand for gambling. Already, a lot of betters have taken to the internet to place wagers.

If you want your gaming website to focus on basketball, analyze the current environment. It’s important to know what to offer your players. This understanding will help you to enhance your online sports bet profits.

The Best Software for Taking Basketball Wagers

With Ace Per Head betting software, you can present a professional image for your gambling website. Again, you could find a platform that costs less. However, how many fans do you think will trust their hard-earned cash to a site that looks like you made it using Wix or

With an Ace Per Head subscription, you’ll have access to a customized skin. You can tailor it any way that you desire. Most importantly, you can create any image that you want to reflect.

Think of the big sportsbooks hosted by well-known casinos in Las Vegas and Atlantic City. These gambling enterprises host sparkling, professional sportsbook websites.

There are also other highly professional gaming sites on the internet. This professional presentation is what makes players trust a site enough to make a bet.

Ace Per Head costs just a bit more than a bare-bones sportsbook service. However, the professional appearance of Ace Per Head software will pay for itself many times over.

With Ace Per Head, you’ll have access to more than cutting-edge gaming technology. You’ll also have your own team of dedicated live agents to take bets and answer player questions.

Also, you can offer more than basketball on your gaming site. Whether you want to offer other sports or casino games, we have the perfect attractions to draw in your players.

Your Partner in Basketball Betting

Now you’ve reviewed the definitive guide to basketball betting software. With pro sports taking more of an interest in online gaming, there’s never been a better time to get in on the action. Give Ace Per Head a try and take your hoop dreams all the way to the bank!

Ace Per Head has led the online gaming industry for more than 22 years. We’re the most trusted pay per head platform in the industry.

What’s more, we can help you keep your players. Over the years, we’ve maintained 99% customer satisfaction. With this kind of performance, you have everything you need to build a successful online gaming business.

Don’t wait. Sign up for your six-week free trial today.

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Betting on NCAA College Basketball

Continuing our series of how-to betting articles, let’s now take a look at college basketball, one of the most popular sports in America. With NCAA regular season games in full swing, what better time is there to learn the ins and outs of college basketball betting?

Though the majority of betting action comes in the springtime when conference tourneys give way to the Big Dance, there’s still a whole season of games to choose from from November to March. Honing your betting knowledge during the regular season will no doubt give you a leg up heading into tournament time when the stakes are higher, the plot thickens, and the pot sweetens. Each year as spring approaches, fans and bettors alike find themselves consumed by the hype that is March Madness. Of all the sports events in America, none demand more energy, more analysis, and more attention than the NCAA Tournament.

From office pools to ESPN Bracketology, there is no shortage of avenues for people to get in on the action. In fact, it is estimated that advertisers spend more than $1.15 Billion each year on the near-month long event. And, according to an annual report issued by Challenger, Gray & Christmas, businesses incur an estimated loss of $1.9 Billion each year due to workers being “distracted and unproductive” during the tourney.

Then there’s the betting side of things. Easily considered one of the biggest sports betting events in the world, the NCAA Tournament offers people a plethora of opportunities to place wagers—67 games to be exact. The result? Over 70 million brackets are filled out each year—generating an average of $9 Billion in bets, with only $240 million of that going legally to Nevada sportsbooks.

That being said, let’s take a look at the different kinds of bets you can place on college basketball. As you might expect, these are the same as those you can place on NBA Games. Nonetheless, we’ll go over them and, similar to previous how-to articles, we’ll discuss some key statistics and numbers to consider when placing your bets.

Betting on the NCAA

The Spread Bet

You’re probably familiar with spread betting. It is after all the most common type of sports wager. In the simplest terms, a spread serves as an equalizer between the favorite and the underdog. To use an example from the most recent slew of NCAA games, let’s see how a spread bet is expressed in the Westgate Superbook:

South Dakota St+21.5-110

The point of this is to encourage bettors to bet evenly on the favorite and the underdog. So let’s say you bet on South Dakota State to cover the spread. That means the Jackrabbits (what a name) must either lose by less than 21.5 points or win. In case you’re wondering, the .5 is to avoid the possibility of a tie (also called a push). The half point simply ensures one team will cover.

This is the type of game where taking the underdog might turn out favorably. All the Jackrabbits need to cover the spread is to keep the deficit under 21.5 points. Granted it’s at the Allen Fieldhouse so the odds are ever in KU’s favor, but a near-22 point spread is a lot of room for SD State to pull off a cover.

The moneyline indicates that if the cover the spread and you waged $110, you’ll yield a $100 profit. The moneyline is often also referred to as ‘the Juice’ or ‘vig.’ It is essentially a fee the bookmakers charge so you can actually place a bet.

Which brings us to…

The Moneyline Bet

Basketball Betting Software 2020

Moneyline betting is pretty straightforward. Without a spread, it is simply a bet on who will win a given game. If you bet on a team and they win the game, you win your bet. But, favorites will typically pay out less than a winning bet on an underdog. For this reason, NCAA bettors tend to stick to spread betting, as in men’s basketball it is uncommon to see heavy favorites losing much at all. To go back to our South Dakota State-Kansas example, let’s take a look at the opening moneyline.

South Dakota State +1625

Kansas -3250

You might be thinking, these lines are ridiculous. Well that’s because bigger moneylines reflect bigger mismatches. For two teams separated by a 21.5-point spread, these lines are pretty standard. The ‘-3250’ means a bettor must wage $3250 in order to score a $100 payout—while the ‘+1625’ means a $100 bet on the Bulls—the underdog—pays out $1625.

To be clear, you are not required to bet $3250 on KU or $100 on the Bulls in order to earn a payout. You can bet any amount that suits you whether it’s $5 or $5000.

The Totals Bet

While sportsbooks tell us that most NCAA betting action comes in the form of spread bets, we know there is success to be had with totals betting. If you are not placing wagers on the “over/under” as part of your overall NCAA betting strategy, you’re ignoring a great opportunity to build your bankroll.

Also known as over/under, totals betting involves placing a wager on the total number of points scored by both teams combined in a game. The odds will be set at a number that predicts the total points scored, often hovering somewhere between 130 and, on a good day, 170. Whereas NBA totals land between 200 and 250, NCAA teams rarely score more than 90 points in a game. In 2016, UCLA was the highest scoring team in the NCAA, with an average 90.6 per game. Outside of the Top 25, no team averaged more than 80 a game.

Let’s return to our SD State/Kansas matchup. Here are the opening totals odds for that game:

SD State 151u -105

Kansas 151o -105

In this case, bookmakers have the score falling at 151 with the juice set at -105 for both teams. As a bettor, you would then predict whether the final point total will fall over or under 151 and make your bet from there.

For totals betting, the juice plays out a bit differently than spread betting. That is, if you bet the over and win, a bet of $105 pays out $100—whereas if you bet the under, a bet of $100 pays out $105.

Remember: you’re not betting on a team with totals betting—you’re betting on the total score of the game. In the case of SD State and Kansas, the over won out with a +11 margin. Totals lines are subject to change as games get closer and closer to tip off, so you’ll want to keep a keen eye on the over/unders as game time approaches.

Halftime Lines

Sometimes when handicapping a specific game, the line just isn’t strong enough to make a bet on a particular side or total. Enter halftime betting. Since the NCAA divides games into two twenty-minute halves, there is no option for first quarter or first half betting as there is for the NBA.

Instead, sports books will offer lines that pertain only to the second half. That means being vigilant and timely in placing bets at this juncture of a game. Halftime lines will reflect the first half action, taking into account each team’s performance to create a whole new spread for the rest of the game. The new spread essentially resets the game score to 0-0. While this type of bet is less popular than regular spread betting or moneylines, it’s simply another chance to turn a profit—especially since the payout stays the same.

For first time halftime bettors, it is best to keep your wager size to a minimum as there is a steep learning curve and not much time to make necessary adjustments. Once you’ve had some success in this arena, you can begin to increase the size of your wagers.

The Parlay/Teaser Bet

With a parlay bet, you can rubberband your bets together to increase your potential payout. In order to win, each bet has to cover. Spread bets, totals, and moneylines can all be combined. Some sportsbooks offer you the opportunity to include halftime bets. Furthermore, parlays are not limited to individual sports. For example, October’s a particularly ripe time for some exciting parlays with the MLB playoffs in full swing, the NFL season nearly halfway complete, and the NBA and NCAA seasons kicking off.

In case one of your bets pushes (ties), the bet will essentially disappear from the parlay. So a parlay of five bets in which one pushes will yield a four-bet payout. Don’t forget to check with each sportsbook’s respective rules regarding parlays as they tend to vary.

A teaser bet is the same as a parlay, except the bookmakers give you points to increase your chances of winning. The downside is a reduced payout. So, let’s say a sportsbooks gives you four points to tease the betting lines. The teaser, listed as -4, would apply to each bet within the parlay. So if one of your bets is a spread bet on the Jayhawks, and the Jayhawks started with a spread of -10, the teaser would reduce the spread to -6.

The Futures Bet

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A futures bet is, as you might guess, a prop bet placed on future outcomes. Who will cut down the nets at the end of March Madness and win the next college basketball national championship? Oddsmakers offer future lines on almost every team during the season. A Top-5 ranked team may be 7/1 odds while a cellar dweller team may be 500/1. These outcomes can range from who will win the NCAA championship to who will win specific conferences, to which player will take home the tournament MVP trophy. Futures are not limited to teams, but can be applied to players, point totals, win totals, and more. As the season goes on, future odds change depending on the team. By the end of March, it’s not uncommon to see bookmakers drop more than a few teams from the odds list altogether.

That about summarizes the different bets you can make for NBA betting. Now let’s look at some different stats to consider when placing these bets.

NCAA Betting Stats


College basketball, aside from the differential in totals margins, hinges on a lot of the same statistics as NBA ball. And as with the NBA, sharps tend to ignore those stats that to the square or layperson would seem especially significant, like points per game. Handicappers tend to focus their attention on situational circumstances. When they do look at stats, it’s usually the more obscure, but nonetheless significant, ones they’re looking at. Here are a just a few of those stats you’ll want to consider when capping games for yourself.

Effective field goal percentage

Effective Field Goal Percentage, or eFG%, is calculated the following way: (2pt FGM + 1.5*3pt FGM) / FGA. This means a made three-pointer is worth one and a half times as much as a made two-pointer. A player who shoots 4 for 10 on all two-point baskets has a standard FG% of 40% and an eFG% of 40%.

In a real game of basketball, what matters is points scored per possession. A player whose eFG% is 60% is scoring at a rate equal to shooting 60% on two-point field goal attempts, a very respectable number.

It should come as no surprise that the league’s top teams regularly rank among the highest in eFG%. In 2016, UCLA and Gonzaga led the NCAA in eFG%–they finished third and forth, respectively, in the AP coaches poll.

The point of this statistic is to give you an idea of each team’s overall success from the field. If a team has a high eFG% while holding their opponents to a low eFG, they’re likely to win the majority of their games. Likewise, you’re likely to win a majority of your bets if you pay attention to this important stat.

Free throw rate/Free throw percentage

Free throws can easily be the difference between a covered spread and a lost bet. How many games, how many bets, have been decided by a single point? More than we can count (at least without concerted research). The point is, free throws matter.

Free throw rate (calculated as free throws attempted divided by field goals attempted) indicates which teams are better at getting to the stripe. The stat shows which teams are the best at drawing fouls, but without a success percentage doesn’t mean very much. For example, a team might get to the line a lot during a game, but if they’re missing the majority of their attempts it’s not necessarily an indicator of success.

Hence why it’s important to factor in free throw percentage as well. Taking into account the various free throw-related statistics will give you an edge in figuring out which teams create and capitalize on attempts at the stripe.

Some other stats to consider are assist-to-turnover ratio, and opponent field goal percentage. These two stats are strong indicators of a team’s pace factor—that is, how well they can control the pace of the game, how many possessions they create, how many opposing possessions they limit and disrupt. The more adept a team is at limiting their opponent’s effective field goal percentage, the more likely they are to cover spreads and win bets.

Remember though, when using these stats, be sure to check each team’s strength of schedule. Often times they’ll play exceedingly well against weaker teams so statistics can be inflated. For smaller conference teams, pay special attention to their performance against bigger conference teams. Such games will be more accurate reflections of their strength on court.

Lastly, keep in mind that NCAA teams, especially bigger conference teams, play softer schedules at the start of the year with more competitive matchups coming later in the season. For this reason, stats from later in the year will be better sources of information for late season handicapping.

Well, that concludes our guide on betting on the NCAA. Be sure to check out the blog to find more specific articles on the ins and outs of college basketball betting. There’ll be a lot to go over as we inch our way toward March Madness. For now, use this information wisely and may the force be with you.