Mybookie Presidential Odds

Mybookie Presidential Odds Rating: 8,1/10 382 votes

Presidential Elections Betting Odds & Politics Lines US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION - Jun 01 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION - DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE Wager cut off: 2020 1st June 6:00 AM. does not offer any gambling services and does not permit site members to bet on events or stake real money or any other items of value. Political Odds MyBookie Betting Lines Political Odds 2021 Politics Betting & Business Lines. Political Props & Specials Reviews @ MyBookie. 4.7 out of 5 stars (based on 249 reviews) Latest Political Betting Reviews. Odds Format American. US Presidential Elections Golf Odds Golf Specials Betting Lines. ESports FIFA 20 Odds. All activities and contests offered by are free of charge and no purchase is necessary to open an account. Thus, website users are not permitted to risk their own money or property on the outcome of the games. Right now is one of the best times to use the site as the 2020 US Presidential Election is right around the corner. Some of Bookmaker’s available political bets include the political party of the 2020 election winner, who will win the election, and even a prop bet focusing on the next world leader to leave office. Bet on the 2020 US Presidential Election Odds at MyBookie Sportsbook. 2021 March Madness Free $10,000 MyBracket Contest. NASCAR Racing Odds Receive a 50% Welcome Bonus up to $250. Best Site for Sports Betting. Las Vegas Sports Betting recommends 50% bonus up to $250.

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How to bet on Politics at MyBookie

Types of bets on politics

Prediction markets

Prediction markets pose “yes” or “no” questions to traders, such as:

  • Will Michelle Obama become the first female president in 2020?
  • Will Joe Biden become the Democratic candidate for 2020?
  • Will Donald Trump be re-elected as President of the United States in 2020?
  • Will Andrew Cuomo announce his candidacy for the presidency?

Traders can then buy “yes” or “no” shares on each question, their prices depending on supply and demand, just as in the stock market. If your predicted outcome happens, the futures market will pay 100 cents on the dollar, and zero if it does not.

Betting lines

Some of the most common betting lines you can expect to see are:

Odds to Win the 2020 Republican/Democratic Presidential Primary

This type of betting line allows you to pick who you think will win the nominations for the 2020 presidential election for each party. Wagering early on this prop means more options will be on the table in terms of candidates. That makes it harder to pick the right one, but also means the potential payout will be larger. These are long-term bets, because the money you wager will be tied up until the outcome is decided.

Odds to Win the 2020 Presidential Election

As the name suggests, this betting line concerns the overall winner of the 2020 election. Most sportsbooks will list individual candidates, but may also have spin-off props like:

  • Odds on which party will win the 2020 Presidential Election
  • Odds on the gender of the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election

Odds to Win the Popular Vote – Betting lines on the popular vote rarely appear until one or two months out from the actual election date. Though the popular vote does not make a difference in the actual election results, there is a lot of talk surrounding who wins.

Odds to Win a Specific State – We offer betting lines to win key swing states early in electoral races. Winning a swing state can make or break a campaign for candidates, so this type of line can be an exciting one to bet on.

More articles Related to these Topics election, how to, how to bet, politics

Despite the 2020 US Presidential debates being the topic of daily discussion at every MSM outlet and across the entire Internet blogosphere, the best Vegas election betting sites have been hesitant to include too many odds on the (allegedly) forthcoming events.

Indeed, these sites have not had a great deal of props in general for the upcoming November general and its various tangential developments and implications.

But finally, MyBookie is asserting itself as the leader in the political prop market by not only adding those Nancy Pelosi Presidential odds we argued for, but also by doubling down on all kinds of other action related to the election.

The most amusing of these, of course, are the Presidential debate props that the site has posted, which you can see below. We briefly analyze each one and share our selections, but keep in mind that to get in on these, you need to bet today.

Remember, election props have the habit of staying live for about 24-48 hours, and while the first Trump vs. Biden debate is slated for just two weeks from now, these lines could disappear at literally any time.

Bet early, bet often!

2020 Presidential Debate Odds – First Debate (Sept. 29, 2020)


Will Joe Biden participate in all 3 debates?

  • No -220
  • Yes +155

Not a chance.

Will Joe Biden participate in the first debate?

  • Yes -250
  • No +170

Almost certainly. He’ll do at least one, then produce a semi-plausible excuse for abstaining from one or both of the others – like a “second wave” of the coronavirus or a “positive” COVID-19 test (for which there are odds further down this list).

Will Joe Biden participate in the second debate?

  • Yes -160
  • No +120

Tough call, so we’d stay away from this one. The landscape is going to change dramatically after the first debate.

Will Joe Biden participate in the third debate?

  • Yes -250
  • No +170

Again, tough call. If he balks at the second debate, he may have to participate in the third, given its proximity to the election. If he does the first two, the third may be less important and more worth skipping for the 2020 Biden campaign. We’re passing.

Will Donald Trump Say “QAnon”?

  • No -400
  • Yes +250

No. The 2020 Trump campaign has long tried to distance itself from the QAnon brand. Even if asked directly about group, it seems Trump would abstain from stating its official name, soundbites being weaponized as they are.

Will Donald Trump say “Sleepy Joe”?

  • No -400
  • Yes +250

The only way Trump doesn’t call Biden what he’s been calling Biden for the last two years is if he gets carried away with any or all of the 37 other Biden nicknames he’s used over the course of the campaign.

Will Donald Trump mention Joe Biden’s basement?

  • Yes -160
  • No +120

“Basement Joe” is sure to make an appearance. Take the “yes” at -160.

How many times will Donald Trump say “China”?

  • Over 6.5 -120
  • Under 6.5 -120

Probably zero. But “DJI-na” – as he pronounces the nation – counts, and he’s likely to say it a hundred times. Any talk of COVID-19, global trade, international competition, Biden’s conflicts of interest, and so on will be prefaced with the country’s name. Over 6.5, easy.

Will Donald Trump say “anarchists”?

  • Yes -240
  • No +160


How many times will Donald Trump say “Antifa”?

  • Over 4.5 -120
  • Under 4.5 -120

We’re leaning “over” on this one, but it’s a tough call. “Antifa” isn’t a natural part of The Donald’s lexicon. Proceed with caution.

How many times will Donald Trump say “Portland”?

  • Over 2.5 -280
  • Under 2.5 +190

The “over” seems safe. Portland’s Mostly Peaceful Protests™ have been a disaster, and they’re going to be a big part of the Trump campaign’s Midwest and West Coast ad blitzes.

How many times will Donald Trump say “Seattle”?

  • Over 1.5 +150
  • Under 1.5 -200

The CHOP Zone was so last month two months ago. The city will get a mention, maybe two at most. This is a tricky line, and we’re saving our Monopoly money (just kidding, we bet in Bitcoin!) for other wagers.

Will Donald Trump mention Ted Wheeler by name?

  • Yes +170
  • No -250

Ted Wheeler is the mayor of Portland. You know, the guy allowing all those riots to continue on unabated. But Trump may not give him the respect of citing his actual name, instead going with something like “that failed Democrat mayor in the once beautiful city of Portland” or the like.

Will Donald Trump say “law and order”?

  • Yes -500
  • No +300

2020 Presidential Bookie Odds

You better believe it. Go all in.

How many times will Donald Trump say “law and order”?

  • Over 3.5 -120
  • Under 3.5 -120

Over. And over. And over.

How many times will Donald Trump say “Obama”?

  • Over 3.5 -120
  • Under 3.5 -120

Honestly, we’re leaning “under” here. The lines are the same on both sides, which is a good indication of uncertainty on the part of the book itself. Normally, we’d pass on such a prop, but Trump will likely make the first debate more about Biden than about Obama.

How many times will Joe Biden say “Q” or “QAnon”?

  • Over 1.5 -250
  • Under 1.5 +170

Probably more than twice. The real question is whether or not he’ll actually be able to physically pronounce it properly or without a stutter. That’s probably why MyBookie is giving him the berth to just say “Q.” So even if he’s thinking of that annoying jerk on those basement reruns of Star Trek TNG, the “over” should hit.

Will Joe Biden say “very fine people”?

  • Yes +120
  • No -160

Biden has repeated this hoax ad nauseum and has never been challenged on the spot. Despite being debunked after the fact by every “fact checker” on the right and the left, he’ll say it again, even if he’s instructed not to. Take the “yes” at +120.

Will Joe Biden call Donald Trump a “racist”?

  • Yes +170
  • No -250

Probably not. He will, however, likely refer to Trump as “xenophobic” or a “xenophobe,” which is the way the “college educated” – even those that finish at the bottom of their class – like to make this tired accusation. Then again, that’s a long, complex word for a guy with brain damage, cognitive issues, and speaking problems. We’d bail on this one.

How many times will Joe Biden say “Antifa”?

  • Over 1.5 +200
  • Under 1.5 -300

There is no way to speak about Antifa in a positive light, but Biden will get no points for denigrating a party ally. Take the under if you must.

Will Joe Biden say “fact check”?

  • Yes -160
  • No +120

Of course he will.

Will Joe Biden call Donald Trump a “liar”?

  • Yes -300
  • No +200

Probably. We’d take the “yes” on this if we had to pick.

Will Joe Biden mention “Bob Woodward”?

Election Betting Odds 2016

  • Yes -200
  • No +150

Bob Woodward is an investigative reporter and associate editor of the Washington Post who has released “revelations” that the Bad Orange Man knew that COVID-19 was more serious than the seasonal flu. Back in February. After he banned all incoming flights from China. Because of COVID-19. Woodward’s going to get mentioned for sure, so “yes” is a safe bet. We’re guessing MyBookie will give Uncle Joe a bit of leeway on the pronunciation, too.

Will Joe Biden mention the number of USA COVID-19 deaths?

  • Yes -500
  • No +300

Is this a real question?

Will Biden misquote the number of COVID-19 deaths by over 100,000?

Election betting odds 2016
  • Yes +250
  • No -400

We’re 50-50 on this. Because of that, the “yes” payout is attractive. Earmark a few bucks here.

Will Joe Biden say “Russia”?

  • Yes -300
  • No +200

Duh, tovarisch.

How many times will Joe Biden say “China”?

  • Over 2.5 -120
  • Under 2.5 -120

They’re BFFs because Corn Pop is no longer with us, so China it is. Take the over.

Who will CNN say won the first debate?

  • Donald Trump +550
  • Joe Biden -1200

Bet the maximum on Biden. Empty out your life savings, take out a second mortgage, and go all in.

Who will Fox News say won the first debate?

  • Donald Trump -400
  • Joe Biden +250

Actually, scratch the above. Go all in on this one instead. Fox News is not a pro-Trump outlet. It’s almost a sure thing that the network will declare Biden the winner after the first debate. Of course, this is a world where there are no sure things. (Thanks a lot, Eagles. Losing to the Washington Football Team? Really?)

Aside from the above debate props, there are several other props you can wager on at MyBookie if you act fast. The following is an abbreviated list of our current favorites:

2020 Political Prop Bets

Will Joe Biden test positive for COVID-19 before September 19, 2020?

  • Yes +155
  • No -220

If he doesn’t want to participate in the first debate, he will. Otherwise, no. We’re leaning “no.”

Will Joe Biden drop out before November 1, 2020?

  • Yes +450
  • No -900

Only if he drops dead.

Mybookie Presidential Odds

Will Donald Trump drop out before November 1, 2020?

  • Yes +1200
  • No -5000

Only if he drops dead.

What position will Nancy Pelosi hold on January 21, 2021

  • Speaker of the House -50000
  • US President +7000

Mybookie Presidential Odds Ufc

MyBookie coming through with our suggestion! If you have a spare $20, take the dog on this. Remember, if the votes aren’t counted or there is pending litigation about the outcome of the 2020 election that lasts beyond January 20, 2021, at 11:59 AM EST – and if the Democrats retain the House – Madam Speaker will become Madam President by default.

Will Donald Trump win the Nobel Peace Prize?

  • Yes -160
  • No +120

This is the wackiest political line in the history of wacky political lines. Yes, Donald Trump has been nominated for his second Nobel Peace Prize, but there’s not a chance in the world he’s going to win it, even though he’s favored to. Bet the absolute maximum on “no” at +120 before it turns into -10000.

Will a COVID-19 vaccine be approved before November 3, 2020?

Vegas Odds President 2016

  • Yes +450
  • No -900

This could be Trump’s “October Surprise,” but there’s a lot of red tape to get through. Also, polling suggests nobody wants to take one in the first place. While the “no” is favored by too much and the payout on the “yes” is attractive, we’re trepidatious.

Mybookie Presidential Odds Against

Day the losing Presidential candidate will concede the 2020 US election?

  • Nov. 3 +400
  • Nov. 4 -110
  • Nov. 5 +500
  • Nov. 6 +600
  • Nov. 7 +700
  • Nov. 8 +800
  • Nov. 9 +900
  • Nov. 10 +1200
  • Nov. 11 +1200
  • Nov. 12 +1200
  • Nov. 13 or later +500

My Bookie Presidential Odds

Not touching this one, but November 13 or later at +500 is the likeliest outcome. There’s no chance in the world that all the mail-in votes will be opened, certified, and tallied within the first few days post-election. And then there’s the lawsuits. Oh, the lawsuits!